School Stuff

Light and Dark Without One, We Wouldn’t Know About the Other (A Research Report)

February 1, 2017


We believe in One God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth. We believe in this God because He has revealed to us that His is there. However, many people choose to ignore Him, and say He does not exist. But despite their many reasons to not believe, God is still there. Their denying of Him proves it.

Many scientists are among the number of people who deny the existence of God. What they don’t realize is that in their search for true, scientific answers they are really searching for knowledge. The Latin word “Scientia” means knowledge. But someone had to come up with the knowledge that is out there for us to find before we could find it. Someone had to bury the treasure before others could follow the map and dig it up. That someone is God.

Some atheists say that no one turns to God for the answers, they turn to science. But if science is knowledge, and knowledge comes from God, then they are always turning to God for the answers, even if they do not admit it. Science can only take you so far before it cannot figure out why something is there, or why something happens. Scientists can gather much evidence to explain how things work on their own, but still they admit that everything in motion must have been set in motion by something else, which must have been set in motion by something else, etc. etc. going on into infinity until you need something or someone that was always there, unmoved, to start it all. “There must be a first mover of all things, which is not put into motion by anything else.” “A chain hanging in space has to be hanging from something.” If there is no first link (God) then there is no chain.

A second common fallacy states that if God knows the future, then we are not free, we do not have free will. God is infinite, so all his attributes are infinite. God is all-knowing, so He knows all things past present and future until the end of time and beyond. God also has free will, and since He is infinite, His free will is infinite, and He gives free will to all his creatures as effects of Himself in the same infinite act of free will. God gave us our free will because of His free will, and we are free to choose good or bad things, which will determine our eternal destination.

Furthermore, intellect, emotions, and free will are what makes us human. We must have all three, because with the absence of just one we are reduced to animals or robots. In denying our free will, we are acknowledging that there is free will. We cannot say “There is no football” or “there is no free will” if there is no football or free will to deny, otherwise we would not know to deny it.

Another argument against God that can be commonly heard is, “Because there is so much evil and suffering in the world, then there is no God, or at least no good God. If God was all-good He would not let us suffer. If He was all-powerful He would stop calamities and tragedies from happening.” However according to Fr. Cliff Ermatinger, “The experience of suffering seems to be as deep as man himself, above all because it manifests in its own way a depth which would otherwise remain hidden to man.” Just as a teacher gives out tests, God allows evils to happen to test our fortitude. God wants to know if we really love Him, and trust Him enough to get us through life’s challenges. A teacher never gives out a test the student cannot pass, so too does God not give us anything we can’t handle. We, as human beings, learn through error. If we do not have trials and make mistakes, we will not grow to our full potential.

Furthermore, the very existence of evil confirms that there is a God. If a person is born blind, they do not know that colors and shapes are there, and so cannot know to ask about them. If there was no God, Who is the complete measure of goodness, we would not know there is something opposite to Him. The absence of light is dark, yet if there was no light in the first place we would not know that there is a light to dispel the dark.

We believe in God because He is the root of all things, He gives us the means to be with Him or not, if we so desire. No matter what calamity faces us, He loves us, and He won’t give us anything we can’t handle.  God gives us free will to live our lives for His glory or for our glory, and in the end He will give us what we want most. It would be better to live our lives as if God does exist, die and find out He is not, than live like God does not exist, die, and find out He does exist.’t_believe_in_god
2 Common Nonsense: 25 Fallacies about Life…Refuted pg. 45
3 Common Nonsense, Fallacy #6, pg. 42, paragraph 5
4Common Nonsense, Fallacy #8, pg. 67, paragraph 1
5Common Nonsense, Fallacy #7, pg. 56, paragraph 1
6 Albert Camus



Maria G.

Grade: graduated Hobbies: playing piano, violin, auto harp, and cow bells; German dancing, figure skating, reading, singing, and horseback riding Patron/Favorite saints: Saint Maria Goretti, Saint Cecilia, Saint Lydwina, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. Favorite school subjects: logic, geometry, music Other: I love acting with the St. Genesius of Rome Theater group, which has recently celebrated it’s 10 year anniversary. I teach piano at the Harmony Organ and Piano Studio, and teach the Pittsburgh District Kinderchor and Jugendchor. My Senior year has quickly filled up, and I am always on the go.