Short stories

The Jesuits

November 1, 2016


Eight men traveled to New France, now known as Canada, where they were going to try to bring the true Faith to the Indians living there. These men were called the Jesuits, and they brought Christ to the Indians by their prayer, fasting and abstinence, by their sacrifices and bravery. The Indians admired them for these virtues, but were still unsure of converting. All their life they had been taught to worship false, pagan gods; they did not want to switch religions now. They began to torture the Jesuits, chewing on their fingers until they were a soft mash of flesh and blood. The Indians also ripped off the “blackrobes'” fingernails, forced them to run through lines of Indians holding knives and clubs, poured boiling water on them. They tore off their scalps, pulled out their eyeballs, burned them and slashed them. All the eight men suffered and were martyred, but even pulling out the hearts of these brave men could not stop them from bringing the true Faith to those who needed it most.



Maura P.