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Christ’s Miracles: A Twofold Purpos

May 4, 2018

After all of the prophecies concerning a Messiah, and all of Christ’s wonders proving His Divine and Human Nature, so many Jews were against Jesus and His teachings. The nature of the miracles served a double purpose. They brought belief to the unbelief and identification to Jesus Christ and God the Father. The works of Christ prove His authority, judgment, knowledge, and Divine nature to His followers, as well as His enemies. Many had faith and believed that the Messiah was Jesus Christ, Son of the living God. Nevertheless, many were opposed to Jesus due to their pride and lack of belief.
All of the Miracles of Jesus can categorize under just a few cases: exorcisms, physical aid, and miracles that pertain to nature. Throughout all of these phenomena, Jesus revealed the supreme power and likeness of God to His people. Jesus defined Himself by demonstrating the Divine power bestowed on Him because of his role as savior and Son of God. The miracles present the people with a better knowledge of God; He is all-powerful, loving, and merciful. God is righteous and just. He knows of our weaknesses and human qualities; He meets us where we are. The nature of Christ’s miracles provides proof of the identity of God and Jesus Himself.
Exorcisms and spiritual miracles proved Jesus’ authority that comes only from God almighty. The evil spirits even recognized Him as one with this authority, “I know who thou art, the Holy One of God” (Mark 1:24). It is seen many times in the gospels that a spirit influences a man, and each time the devil obeys the command of Jesus Christ. Even though He gave authority to his disciples to cast out the unclean, Jesus displays God’s chief authority in the way of exorcising any demon. This teaching is especially clear in the gospel of Mark, where astonishment was seen at the authority of Jesus. “What thing is this … for with power he commandeth even the unclean spirits, and they obey him” (Mark 1:27). The ability to perform internal healing in God’s name is proof to mankind of the extent of His power. The position of God’s authority and power is evident through Jesus’ healing of mental illnesses and exorcisms.
Physical healings also played a significant part in making God’s love for His children known. Not only the curing of physical illnesses but also miracles such as the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. “Clearly the miracles had a twofold purpose: the direct and immediate purpose of curing or providing and the broader long-range purpose of proving His Divine power.” (Carroll 329). In the instance of the wedding at Cana, Jesus did not want the newlyweds to suffer the humiliation of running out of wine at their marriage banquet. Likewise, with the account of feeding the five thousand, Jesus too was a man and understood their needs such as hunger. In both cases, He immediately provided for the people. In the miracles of bodily healing, such as the raising of Lazarus or the cleansing of the leper, Jesus provided proof directly to the people of God’s mercy and compassion to them.
Other miracles pertain to Jesus’ power over nature itself. The calming of the stormy sea or Jesus’ walking on water are a couple of examples of how Christ showed God’s superiority even over “mother nature.” These supernatural miracles communicate a definite relationship between Jesus Christ and God the Father, furthering the belief that Jesus is the True Son of God. Jesus was given the Divine Power to work incredible deeds that are seen throughout His whole life and even after death. These particular miracles though are seen to be quite uncommon for the time, leaving the viewers dumbfounded. The astonishment these miracles brought to the people was great enough to convince some, though not all were as easily swayed. “Even witnessing such phenomenal power does not necessarily bring one to faith. Hardened skeptics … can be a tough crowd to change even by miracles.” (Our Sunday Visitor)
All of these miracles, “often worked before … Jesus’ deadly enemies” (Carroll 329). Were truly beyond any scientific explanation and still are today. Then how is it, that in the gospel of John, Jesus is found avoiding His people for fear of death? “After these things Jesus walked in Galilee; for He would not walk in Judea, because the Jews sought to kill Him” (John 7:1). Did they not awe in wonder at God’s power and authority shown through Christ? Could they still not believe? “One must truly believe to receive what God so freely offers in miracles” (Our Sunday Visitor). Despite the prophecies foreshadowing the Messiah and his passion and death, many Jews were hateful towards Jesus and awaited His execution. They did not think nor expect God to come down to them in the form of such a common, humble creature as Jesus of Nazareth. Their blindness to Jesus’ being the Son of God and their misunderstanding of Him, caused their eagerness to rid the world of this “blasphemer.”
Jesus gave His people many chances to believe and understand the power of God and His role as their savior. Jesus did this through the miracles that He publicly performed in the years leading up to His passion and death. Though the people received much proof and even foretold prophecies, some refused to acknowledge Christ as their Messiah. They lacked belief and called him a liar and blasphemer. Their pride would not let them see beyond Jesus’ outside appearance, and they refused to accept that He truly was the Son of God. Jesus proved and described Himself as one with authority and power through the miracles He performed.

Works Cited
The Bible. Douay-Rheims Version, TAN Books and Publishers, 197. Print
Carroll, Warren H. The Founding of Christendom. Christendom Press: Front Royal, VA 1985. Print
“Mark, The Gospel of Miracles.” Our Sunday Visitor. Web. 25 April. 2012.



Maya M.

Age: 15 
Grade: 10th
 Hobbies: Sewing, Reading, Baking, Horseback riding, singing, soap making, watercolor painting, and ice skating.
 Patron/Favorite saints: Our Lady of sorrows, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. Joan of Arc, St. Rose of Lima, St. Margret of Cortona, St. Thomas Aquinas, and St. Martin de Porres. 
Favorite school subjects: Math, Latin, Biology, and homesteading 
Other: I love Eucharistic Adoration! I am the oldest of seven children. I am determined and not afraid to get my hands dirty. My dream (and now pursuing career field) has always been to become a natural-pro-life Midwife.